How to contact us
The department is open Monday to Friday, and telephones are manned from 8:30am-4:30pm. A voicemail facility is available if no one is able to take your call or you call outside of these hours. Please leave a message including your child’s name and a contact number and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
Phone Number
024 76 961455
Clinic appointments:
4th Floor City of Coventry Health Centre
2 Stoney Stanton Road
There is a public pay and display car park at the health centre.
Public Transport
We are approximately 5 minutes walk from Coventry city bus station.
Location within the health centre
The Children & Young People’s Occupational Therapy Department is located on the 4th floor of the City of Coventry health Centre.
If you require any further directions please enquire at the main reception.